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When the going gets tough
When the going gets tough...
Business is tough! Market conditions have never been worse! Buyers are keeping their hands firmly in their pockets! More people are turning to the web to do their shopping! The world economy is a mess! Does this sound familiar?
But can an EZIPOP cardboard brochure holder help?
“When the going gets tough, the tough get going”. Have a look at what you could do at that important point of purchase area. It’s true that some retailers and other businesses often resist allowing brochures to be displayed in their prime areas.
But with POPAI research showing that up to 75% of purchase decisions are made at the point of purchase, can you afford not to be there?

Client experience has shown that an EZIPOP brochure holder attractively printed and popped up on the counter overcomes some of the most hardened store manager resistance.
A client of ours had first hand experience with this a while back when they wanted to publicise a new product in ski and sporting goods shops. “When they saw how it popped up, looked so good and took up so little counter space, they asked us to leave our EZIPOP filled with brochures right there on the counter, rather than at the other side of the store in the wall rack.”
And once you're advertising your wares or providing information on your products at that point of purchase, just watch your sales increase. So why not give it a go, contact us for a quote and more information on how easy it can be to increase the awareness of your product or service with EZIPOP.
EZIPOP cardboard brochure holders are the eco-friendly solution to getting your information on counters, at the important point of purchase (POP), in a stylish and totally branded way. Send the green message to your customers too by avoiding other less eco-friendly products.