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As seen on TV
I was sitting there the other night, watching the ABC news and WOW, I spotted an EZIPOP that we recently produced for Parcel Point.

(Circled in the picture at right)
It was a story about Video Hire Stores and featured interviews with some video store operators.
The Parcel Point EZIPOP just happened to be sitting in pride of place when the scene at right was shown. Luckily I had my iPhone handy to take the shots shown here.
Exactly what the story was about isn't really important for now, the sizzle is that via the EZIPOP which was sitting proudly on the store counter, Parcel Point gained valuable recognition and brand exposure. FOR FREE, NIX, NO COST, GRATIS!
OK, it's only a small part of this picture, so here's a clean shot of the Parcel Point EZIPOP brochure holder below at right.
You can see more pictures and read the story of Parcel Point in our March 2013 blog post, "ParcelPoint hits the spot with EZIPOP brochure holders"
By the way, the Parcel Point business is going phenominaly well, they're expanding into new markets and gaining more partners. We've just produced another run of their EZIPOPs. Here's what they had to say:
Julian Leach, Chief Commercial Officer and ParcelPoint Co-Founder said,“We’ve got many hundreds of ParcelPoint EZIPOPs on counters throughout the country, they’re working well and we’re very happy with the product. Our network agents are happy to be involved in the ParcelPoint service, because they receive direct commission on every parcel handled and they’re enjoying increased foot-traffic, plus lots of new local customers.
And they're impressed too, with the EZIPOP brochure displays, because they take up minimal space on counter, they’re easy to display and act as a silent salesman for the service”.
“We’re developing new partnerships with online retailers and parcel carriers as both groups can benefit significantly from promoting a convenient, more efficient delivery option”. Julian Leach added.
Anyway, back to what I was talking about; the free TV exposure:
Well as I said, I was watching the news and this story about video rental stores came on and I spotted the Parcel Point EZIPOP on the counter in one of the video stores featured.

Then a little bit further into the segment, this long scene featured, where the ABC reporter interviewed the video store owner.
See how prominent the image of the Parcel Point EZIPOP is in this shot. (Circled) And the camera was on this scene for quite a while, while the reporter spoke to the video shop operator.
Great exposure for our client! [If you look closely, you'll see the ABC logo just under the EZIPOP.]
Display your brochures in an EZIPOP and get free exposure on TV - WOW
Well it could happen.
And if you don't make it onto TV, at least you'll be enjoying great exposure to your target market and that has to be good for sales. You might like to read this section, Point Of Purchase compliance and how EZIPOP can help you get your message out there more effectively.
Why not ask us for more information or get a quote and see how EZIPOP might fit in with your marketing plans.